Saturday, August 2, 2008


The CMU Robotics Institute, with the help of a seven million dollar DARPA grant, has announced the launch of a four year educational initiative called Fostering Innovation through Robotics Exploration (FIRE). The goal is to use student interest in robotics to encourage computer science education, and to steer students toward science and engineering careers. In addition to embracing existing educational robotics competitions such as FIRST and VEX, CMU will also be creating new competitions.
The initiative will ... create new competitions for autonomous, multi-robot teams and for computer animations that will attract a broader array of students and offer new challenges.
To help, CMU is tapping robot expertise from Dallas, TX, hiring none other than Ed Paradis, current president of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group. When asked about the propsect of leaving one of the nation's top Hobby Robot Groups for CMU, he replied, "although I'm sad to leave the Dallas robotics community, this is a hobby roboticists dream job!".


This new year, w lewatin brag Yayang sm sm w ^ ^ n sohib2 w. wlpun hari ini dr pagi w sbuk bgt dr bolak-balik nganterin emk wk pasar ampe bercocok tanam di rumah ganti tanah di pot2 tanaman di rumah w (ampe kyk petani w) n ngoordinator acara bkar ayam n yg hbungin ank2 ampe narikin duit, tp tak apalah... wlpun today sbuk bgt dr w dr morning commute nganterin emk wk ampe markets at home instead of farming land in pot2 plants in the house w (ampe kyk farmers w) n chicken n ngoordinator bkar event who hbungin ank2 ampe narikin money, not tp whatever ... ini udah tahun baru ke-3 w ngerayain tahun baru sm irma. these have the new year to celebrate three new years w sm Irma. seneng bgt w, gak nyangka w bisa awet bgt ampe kyk gini... bgt happy w, w could not have expected durable ampe bgt kyk gini ... mudah2an tahun2 bau yg akan dtg n lebaran2 yg akan dtg bkal slalu w lwatin sm dya^^ mudah2an tahun2 smell-be-be dtg dtg n lebaran2 bkal slalu lwatin sm w ^ ^ DYes
jd pnen cepet2 LULUS dari STAN byar bs cepet2 kawin nech !!! jd pnen cepet2 PASS from mating cepet2 STAN byar bs nech!
eh slah, bukan kawin, tp nikah !!!! slah uh, not married, married tp!!

YG DISEASE sampling sucks!

YG DISEASE sampling sucks!
SUCK !!!!!!! Suck !!!!!!!

10 weirdest Modern Gadgets

10 weirdest Modern Gadgets

1. 1. Humping USB Dog USB Humping Dog
Sederhana saja, ini adalah seekor anjing yang dicolok ke drive USB anda dan ia akan 'bergoyang'. Quite simply, this is a dog that dicolok into your USB drive and it will 'rock'. Aneh, sangat memalukan dan tidak ada gunanya. Strange, very embarrassing and pointless. Satu lagi kontribusi dari Jepang untuk dunia gadget. One more contribution from Japan to the world of gadgets.

prologue for now -, -: Actually pulled hack FB there are many kinds. There are ones just ngebekuin doang, jd during our online lg, hack qta fb gk who will be able to log in, or tongues, in freeze hack pake fb freezer (bs d download application on site brbgai-_-) .....
ada jg yg lebih kejam, dgn bner2 mengehack, mengacak2, n mengubah password fb yg qta hack -,- jg who are more vicious, with bner2 mengehack, mengacak2, n change the password fb qta who hack -, -

ngehack fb ada yg secara manual n otomatis pke aplikasi.. fb hacker manually n some applications automatically okay ..
tp itu jg sbenernya agak ribet2 dikit.. that tp jg sbenernya ribet2 little bit ..

cara simpel hack FB bisa kita coba dgn cara paksa yg sedikit bodoh, yaitu jika kita mengetahui email dr yg kita ingin hack, coba log in aja di FB, passwordnya ngasal aja, trus pilih aj forget password. FB simple ways we can try to hack with little-stupid way of force, ie, if we know the mail-out we want to hack, try logging in at FB aja, aja ngasal password, then select aj forget the password. pokoknya kita coba otak-atik deh... we just try to fiddle with the brain cool ... dulu beberapa musuh saya ada yg berhasil saya hack dgn cara bodoh ini.. I had some enemies there are colorable with how stupid I hack this .. hheee (indahny saat2 itu -,-).... hheee (indahny saat2 it -,-)....

sekarang saya akan menjelaskan cara mengeHack FB pake fasilitas Yahoo. I will now explain how mengeHack FB pake Yahoo facility. Tak banyak yang tahu kalau ternyata facebook dan yahoo menjalin sebuah kerja sama yang unik, hal ini baru saya tahu beberapa waktu yang lalu dari sebuah grup facebook luar negeri, di grup ini saya hanya translatekan ke bhs.Indonesia. Not many people know that if it turns out facebook and yahoo establish a unique collaboration, this is my new idea some time ago from a facebook group abroad, in this group I just translatekan to bhs.Indonesia.
Dan dengan memanfaatkan celah dari kerja sama inilah kita dapat mengetahui password dari account facebook seseorang dengan sangat mudah. And by exploiting a gap of cooperation that we can know the password of someone with a facebook account is easy.
Saya sendiri sudah mencoba beberapa cara dan selalu gagal, sudah men-download berbagai macam software dalam usaha ini tapi tetap saja tak berhasil mendapatkan password account yg di incar. I myself have tried several ways and always failed, been downloading various software in this business but still not managed to get the account password antecedent seek.
Tapi ternyata, setelah mengetahui celah ini, saya sampai merasa bodoh sendiri. But it turned out, upon discovering this vulnerability, I feel stupid to own. Karena ternyata sangat mudah mendapatkan password facebook seseorang jika kita tahu cara yg tepat. Because it is very easy to get someone facebook password if we know how to nail.
Dan sama sekali tidak memerlukan software…!! And requires no software at all ...!
Baik, akan saya jelaskan caranya.. Fine, I'll explain how ..
[1].Login ke yahoo...Ingat..!! [1]. Log in to yahoo ... Remember ..! account yahoo anda harus berumur minimal 10 hari agar cara ini bekerja dengan baik dan harus merupakan alamat email yg anda gunakan pada saat registrasi facebook. yahoo account you must be aged at least 10 days so this way works well and who should be the email address you use facebook at the time of registration. Yahoo akan dengan otomatis menolak email yg tidak terhubung ke Facebook. Yahoo will automatically reject the email who is not connected to Facebook.
[2].Jika sudah masuk ke yahoo, tulislah sebuah email yang anda tujukan untuk staff facebook di Yahoo dengan alamat email: server Yahoo akan mengirimkan secara otomatis password “terlupakan” tersebut. [2]. If you've signed into yahoo, you write an email addressed to staff at Yahoo facebook with your email address: team.facebook_helpcenter @ Yahoo server will automatically send the password "forgotten" them.
[3]. [3]. Pada baris SUBJECT masukkan/ketik kalimat : PASSWORD RETRIEVE In the SUBJECT line enter / type the sentence: Retrieve PASSWORD
[4]. [4]. lalu pada baris pertama mail anda tuliskan alamat email korban yg akan anda hack then on the first line of your mail write the email address you want to hack victims
[5]. [5]. Pada baris kedua masukkan alamat email yg anda gunakan In the second row who enter the email address you use
[6]. [6]. Pada baris ketiga tuliskan password facebook anda. On the third line write down your facebook password.
Mesin akan meng-extract password dari email calon korban anda dengan menggunakan password anda. Machine will extract the password from the email you potential victims using your password.
Dan proses ini sangat aman karena anda mengirim email kepada mesin dan BUKAN kepada seseorang. And this process is very safe because you send an email to the machine and NOT to someone.
[7].Dan di baris terakhir masukkan kata : cgi-bin/$et76431&pwrsa. [7]. And in the last line insert the word: cgi-bin / $ et76431 & pwrsa. Ini merupakan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk men-cocokkan email anda dengan email calon korban yg anda minta password nnya. Here is the code needed to download your email matches with your emails asking prospective victims nnya password.
jadi jika misalkan email anda adalah so if let's say your email is
dan email korban anda adalah and email your victim is
dan password anda adalah : 123456 and your password is: 123456
maka email yg anda tulis nantinya adalah: then you write an email who later is:
contoh: example:
To: To: team.facebook_helpcenter @
bcc: cc: (biarkan kosong) bcc: cc: (leave blank)
Subject: password retrieve Subject: password retrieve
123456 123 456
cgi-bin/$et76431&pwrsa cgi-bin / $ et76431 & pwrsa
Selanjutnya setelah anda mengirim email tersebut anda akan mendapatkan balasan secara otomatis dari yahoo dengan dengan subject: System Reg Furthermore, after you send that email you will automatically receive a reply from yahoo with the subject: Reg System
Message Message
biasanya yahoo memerlukan waktu sekitar 30 menit untuk mengkonfirmasikan dan meng-extract password yang anda minta. yahoo usually takes about 30 minutes to confirm and to extract the password you requested.

oke... okay ... smoga sukses... Hopefully a successful ...
but, ingat, nih hanya untuk pengetahuan aja, jgn dijadikan kebiasaan apalgi hobi !. but, remember, ya aja only for knowledge, do not become a habit apalgi hobby!. inget karma ! remember karma!
hehehehehe...... hehehehehe ......

Opening PDF Locked In 5 Seconds

File .pdf yang diproteksi dengan password? . Pdf file that is protected with a password? capek deh,, download dan install “FreewarePDFUnlocker.msi” [ ]: system drag-drop, membuka password dalam hitungan detik, gratis! tired deh,, download and install "FreewarePDFUnlocker.msi" [ ]: drag-drop system, open the password in seconds, for free! Problem .pdf yang di-password, tidak bisa di-print, tidak bisa di-convert, sekarang tidak lagi menjadi masalah. Problem. Pdf that are password, can not in-print, could not convert, now no longer an issue.

Catatan: sudah saya coba di Vista, dan berfungsi lumayan baik. Note: I have tried in Vista, and function quite well. yang jelas tidak bisa dijalankan di Windows 7 x64. which obviously can not run on Windows 7 x64. Font Bangla dan password yang menggunakan extended character juga layak diuji. Bangla fonts and passwords that use extended character is also feasible to test.

Determining Original Photo

Want to examine the authenticity of a photograph? Tidak perlu menggunakan software...... No need to use the software ......

- Buka Windows Explorer, arahkan pada file foto yang ingin diperiksa - Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the photo files to be checked
- klik kanan pada file itu > klik tab “Summary” > pilih “Advance” - Right click on file> click the tab "Summary"> select "Advanced"
Semua detail terbaca di situ. All the detail read on it. Kalau anda melihat tulisan “camera model: EX-Z75″ (hanya sekadar contoh), berarti gambar itu diambil dengan camera Casio EX 275. If you see the words "Camera model: EX-Z75" (just an example), then the picture was taken with the Casio EX-275 cameras. Atau mungkin Canon EOS-5D. Or maybe the Canon EOS-5D. Tergantung anda memakai camera apa. Depending on what camera you use. Kalau di “Creation Software:” tertulis “Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh” berarti foto itu sudah diolah di Macintosh dengan software bernama Adobe Photoshop. If the "Creation Software:" written "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh" means that the picture had been processed on a Macintosh using software called Adobe Photoshop. Kalau “flash mode”, artinya adalah blitz camera. If "flash mode", meaning the camera flash. Anda bisa melihat juga tanggal pengambilan foto, “shutter speed”, dan “lens aperture”. You can see also the date of capture, "shutter speed", and "lens aperture." Kalau ada foto sudah Anda ambil dengan camera, sebelum diolah, backup semuanya di folder, untuk menjaga originalitas. If there are photos you've taken with the camera, before processing, backup everything in the folder, to keep the originality. Jangan buka dengan software Picassa/acdSee/Photoshop,, biar masih benar-benar asli. Do not open the software Picassa / ACDSee / Photoshop,, I'll still genuine. Setelah itu copy dan lakukan editing sesuai kebutuhan. After that copy and do the editing as required.


After the previous issues and news bnyak if STAN only receive 1400kursi, now sya get updated info from the STAN who makes even the organizers and OSPEK DEPARTMENT OSPEK STAN jd frenzy because slah prhitungan MLP perspective and recruitment of the committee .. STAN TAHUN 2010 ini menampung 3300 kursi. STAN THE YEAR 2010 was to accommodate 3300 seats. perubahan ini karna mahasiswa STAN adl mhasiswa bo0king DEPKEU. this change because students STAN adl mhasiswa bo0king MOF. jd trgantung DEPKEU mesen brp, bru pihak STAN menyediakan. MOF trgantung mesen jd brp, STAN provides brutal party.

1. 1. BEA CUKAI Customs
D1= 1000 KURSI D1 = 1000 CHAIR
D3= 300 KURSI D3 = 300 CHAIR
= 800 KURSI = 800 CHAIR
= 400 KURSI = 400 CHAIR
=400 KURSI = 400 CHAIR
= 200 KURSI = 200 CHAIR
= 100 KURSI = 100 CHAIR

untuk mengecek nilai USM STAN qm, silahkan klik link di bawah ini : USM STAN to check the value of Qm, please click the link below:

kunci-jawaban-usm-stan USM-answer-key-stan

kunci-jawaban-usm-stan-2010-versi-2 USM-answer-key-stan-2010-2-version

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